Hurricane Robbie caused mass destruction on surrounding, shabbier houses. Because these people suffered so much, Angela and I decided to give them a helping hand in repairing them. We started with the people who had a fewer number of people to help repair. As Angela and I gathered tools to help repair the buildings, I asked her why her house was not damaged. She said that because of the unique design of her house hurricanes cause minimal damage to her house. She also said that the houses that were damaged ‘badly’ have a similar design that was created by Jamaicans long ago. She said that the hurricane was a really bad one that they had not seen in years. 
The entire day we danced the all seven of the major types of Jamaican, most of which are considered to be religious. They are Maroon, Myal, Kumina, Revival, Rastafari, Jonkonnu, and Hosay. After countless hours, we had built the houses stronger than the originals.
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